
会议 | 中国农业全要素生产率(TFP)的测量与跨国比较第二次北京研讨会【转】

三农学术 2022-12-31





为了深入研究和总结中国农业和农村改革四十年的经验,2019年6月10-11日北京大学中国农业政策研究中心、澳大利亚农业与资源经济研究局、澳大利亚农业与资源经济学会东亚分会将在「北京大学斯坦福中心」共同举办2019年澳大利亚农业与资源经济期刊(Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics)中国农村经济改革专刊发布会,并邀请专刊主要作者与政府、研究机构和相关国际专家共同讨论研究成果及中国农业和农村改革的经验。届时我们将与澳大利亚农业与资源经济科学局(ABARES)共同发布中国农业生产率的变化趋势及其背后的决定因素相关的研究结果。

Understanding China’s agricultural productivity – its growth, long term trend and underlying determinants has been the topic of a joint research project over the last one and a half years. Collaborators include the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), the School of Advanced Agricultural and Sciences (SAAS), Beijing Agricultural University and the Centerfor China Agricultural Policy (CCAP), Peking University. A second workshop, entitled “Measuring China’s Agricultural Total Factor Productivity and Its International Comparison”, has been scheduled for 10-11 June 2019 at Peking University. Invited to the workshop will be government officials, academics and international experts. 


黄季焜 Jikun HUANG 

北京大学  中国农业政策研究中心主任  教授

演讲题目:“Reform of China Agricultural and Rural Economics in the Past 40 Year”

朱信凯 Xinkai ZHU 

中国人民大学  副校长  教授

演讲题目:“Special Issue Launch:    China’s Agriculture and rural reforms in past 40 years”

V. Eldon BALL


演讲题目:“The Embodied Hypothesis and Cross-country/Cross-region Agricultural TFP Gap: Evidence from the US and OECD Evidence”


AJARE 期刊主编 怀卡托大学教授

演讲题目:“Special Issue Launch:    China’s Agriculture and rural reforms in past 40 years”

Xinpeng XU

香港理工大学 教授

演讲题目:“Measurement and Comparison of Agricultural TFP: International Practices”


Shingo Kimura Trade and Agricultural Directorate, OECD

Carlos San Juan Mesonada Deparamento de Economia, University of Carlos III, Spain

Yu Sheng ABARES and CCAP

Nilabja Ghosh Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi University Enclave, India

仇焕广  中国人民大学

Huanguang Qiu, SARD, Renmin University

金松青  密歇根州立大学 浙江大学

Songqing Jin, Michigan State University and Zhejiang University

胡瑞法  北京理工大学

Ruifa Hu, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology

司伟  中国农业大学

Wei Si, College of Economics and Managemnet, China Agricultural University

王金霞  北京大学

Jinxia Wang, SAAS and CCAP, Peking University

白军飞  中国农业大学

Junfei Bai, College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University

张舰  中央财经大学

Jian Zhang, School of Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics

刘承芳 北京大学

Chengfang Liu, SAAS and CCAP, Peking University

龚斌磊  浙江大学

Binlei Gong, SPA, Zhejiang University


邓兴旺  北京大学 

Xingwang Deng, SAAS, Peking Univerisity

Shiji Zhao  Section Head for Productivity, ABARES

Paul McNamara  Minister Counsellor - Agriculture (North Aisa), Australian Embassy in Beijing

Ben Mitchell Counsellor - Agriculture, Australian Embassy in Beijing



开幕式 | Opening Ceremony




09:00 -09:30

Opening the workshop


1. Professor Jikun Huang, Director, CCAP and Vice Chancellor, Jiangxi Agricultural University

2. Professor Xingwang Deng, Dean, SAAS, Peking University.

3. Dr. Shiji Zhao, (On behalf of Steve Hatfield-Dodds) Section Head for Productivity, ABARES

4. Mr. Paul McNamara, Agricultural Counselor for North East Asia, Australian Embassy in Beijing 

Yu Sheng

第一部分|Section One


Agricultural Total Factor Productivity in China: National and regional evidence




09:30 a.m. – 

10:10 a.m.

Exploring Agricultural TFP Growth and Its Determinants in China: 1978-2016


演讲人:Yu Sheng, ABARES and CCAP, PKU


Jikun Huang/Ben Mitchell

10:10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Tea break

11:10 a.m.–

11:50 a.m.

Cross-regional Disparity in Agricultural TFP in China


演讲人:Binlei Gong, Zhejiang University

11:10 a.m.–

11:50 a.m.

Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in China


演讲人:Shingo Kimura, OECD

11:50 a.m. – 

12:10 p.m.

ICT Revolution, Online Trading and Modern Agriculture in China 


演讲人:Representatives from Alibaba

第二部分|Section Two


Measurement and Comparison of Agricultural TFP: International Practices




13:30 p.m.–14:00 p.m.

The Embodied Hypothesis and Cross-country/Cross-region Agricultural TFP Gap: Evidence from the US and OECD Evidence


演讲人:Eldon Ball, University of Maryland, U. S. (or Yu Sheng to be determined)

Prof. Songqing Jin

14:00 p.m.–14:30 p.m.

Cross-country Comparison of Agricultural TFP between 17 OECD Countries: The Embodiment Hypothesis


演讲人:Carlos San Juan Mesonada, University of Carlos III, Spain 

14:30 p.m. –15:00 p.m.

Initial Endowment, Technology Adoption and Agricultural TFP: Evidence from the OECD Countries


演讲人:Yu Sheng, ABARES and CCAP, PKU

15:00 p.m.–15:30 p.m.

Agricultural Productivity and Its change in India


演讲人:Nillabja Ghosh, University of Delhi Enclave (North Campus), India

15:30 p.m.–15:50 a.m.

Tea break

15:50 p. m. – 17:00 p. m.   Round Table Discussion

China’s Agricultural TFP Measurement and Cross-country Comparison

17:30 p.m. – 20:30 p.m.   Conference Dinner


第三部分| Section Three

中国农业与农村改革40年专题讨论(2019 AJARE Special Issues)

China’s Agriculture and rural reforms in past 40 years




8:30 a.m – 8:50 a.m.

Open Speech/Special Issue Launch 

Open Speech/Special Issue Launch

1. Professor Jikun Huang

2. Professor Xinkai Zhu

3. Professor Frank Scrimgeour, AJARE editor-in-chief

Yu Sheng

08:50 a.m.–09:10 a.m.

Reform of China Agricultural and Rural Economics in the Past 40 Year


演讲人:Jikun Huang, CCAP and SAAS, Peking University



Prof. Huanguang Qiu



09:10 a.m.–09:30 a.m.

Impact of Property Rights Reform to Support China’s Rural-Urban Integration: Household-level Evidence from the Chengdu National Experiment. Klause Deininger, Songqing Jin, Shouying Liu and Fang Xia.

演讲人:Songqing Jin, Michigan State University and Zhenjiang University

09:30 a.m.–09:50 a.m.

China’s Poverty Alleviation over the Last 40 Years: Success and Challenges. Mingyue Liu, Xiaohong Feng, Sangui Wang and Huanguang Qiu*.


演讲人:Huanguang Qiu, Renmin University 



Prof. Jinxia Wang





09:50 a.m.–10:10 a.m.

Incentivizing Teachers? Evaluating the Impacts of China’s Rural Teacher Performance-based Compensation Reform. Jian Zhang*, Songqing Jin and Wei Si.


演讲人:Jian Zhang, Songqing Jin and Wei Si, Central University of Finance and Economics

10:10 a.m. – 10:20 a.m.

Tea break

10:20 a.m. –10:40 a.m.

Is Post-compulsory Education Worth It? Tracking the Economic Pay-off for the Work Force in Rural China. Haiqing Zhang, John James Kennedy, Linxiu Zhang*, Chengfang Liu and Hongmei Yi.

演讲人: Chengfang Liu, CCAP and SAAS, Peking University



Prof. Wei Si


10:40 a.m. –11:00 a.m.

The New Agricultural Extension Reform and Its Impact on Agents’ Time Allocation in China. Jinyang Cai, Yao Jia, Ruifa Hu* and Chao Zhang.

 演讲人:Ruifa Hu, Beijing Institute of Technology

11:00 a.m.–11:20 a.m.

Income Growth, Urbanization and Food Demand in China: Predication Based on A Meta-Regression Analysis Approach. Shixian Zhai, Qiubo Zhu, Lei Li and Junfei Bai*.


演讲人:Junfei Bai, China Agricultural University

11:20 a.m. – 11:40 a.m.

40 Years’ Irrigation Development and Reform in China. Jinxia Wang*, Yunyun Zhu, Tianhe Sun, Jikun Huang, Lijuan Zhang and Baozhu Guan.


演讲人:Jinxia Wang, CCAP and SAAS, Peking University

第四部分| Section Four


International development and comparison of future agricultural productivity



11:40 a.m. –12:00 p.m.

Wrap-up Session: ICT Revelation, Big Data and Modern Agriculture

12:00 p.m. –13:00 p.m.

Lunch Break




June 10-11, 2019 Monday &Tuesday

9:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


北京大学斯坦福中心 B1 M11 | 北京


Stanford Centers at Peking University B1 M11| Beijing

Peking University, No 5 Yiheyuan Road,  Haidian District, Beijing




Please click read more to register.

Due to limited seats, registration will be verified through text message confirmation. Please present your text message at the entrance. 






  1. 约稿 | 澳洲农业资源经济杂志(AJARE) “中国农村改革40年”专题特刊 【转】

  2. JPE 新文 | 研究接近度和生产率:来自农业的长期证据

  3. 盖庆恩 等:土地资源配置不当与劳动生产率【转】

  4. JDE 独作 | 龚斌磊:中国农业改革与生产:1978-2015年省级生产函数与生产率的变化【转】

  5. AJAE新文:农业规模与农业生产率的关系:来自中国北方玉米生产的证据【转】

  6. 外出务工,本地非农就业与农业生产效率:来自中国的证据

